Clean Laundry, Bright Futures: Uniting Communities, One Load at a Time
- Laundry Relief Aid
- Give the Gift of Clean
- Sponsor a Laundry Day

About Jasmine
Operation Clean Duds was founded by Jasmine Conley in 2021. The crazy story is, God gave me a recurring dream of buying a house with a dilapidated laundromat. After so many times of having this dream, I asked God why? At that point I felt a heavy impartation to help those underprivileged with their laundry. The first thing I did was get the name, Operation Clean Duds. Operation as a throwback to my military service. Clean, because we clean. Duds, the old school word for clothes.
Our Sponsors

Extending Care Through Clean Laundry
About Operation Clean Duds
In 2021 and 2022, we helped provide assistance with washing over 10,000 loads of laundry and have heard from so many how this seemingly small act of kindness made a huge impact on their ability to care for other needs. While our mission is to help the less fortunate wash their laundry, we also believe that we are helping to change the lives of anyone we get to meet, 1 load at a time. From the stories we hear at each event, we know that they are at least changing our lives. Currently, we have 6 scheduled laundry events each month at 6 area laundromats, and the cost to be able to meet the demand continues to grow, but averages $300-$800 for each location. We have not had to turn away anyone who has needed the help during these events, and we hope that we never have to.
Are you wondering what you can do to help our mission? We need volunteers, financial contributions, donations of allergy friendly laundry detergent and dryer sheets, personal care products, donations of items for our fundraising events, business sponsors and more. We would appreciate sharing our event information on social media to ensure that we reach more and more people who we know need our help. We would LOVE to see local schools and organizations participate in some healthy competitions and host drives to help collect the products we need.
We would love to talk with you more about how you can assist us with continuing our mission in Northwest Ohio and continue to expand to help more in our area who are in dire need. More information about our organization and events can be found on our Facebook page or our website at We have a direct donation link on the website if you prefer to contribute in that manner.
Thank you for taking the time to share our mission in any way that you can.

Give the Gift of Clean

Sponsor a Laundry Day

Sara Beck's Story
How Operation Clean Duds Restored Comfort and Dignity
So since covid I’ve been struggling financially and having a hard time even getting my laundry done. I had bags of laundry that hadn’t been touched because I couldn’t afford to go to the laundromat, And then one day I was on Facebook and I seen an ad by operation clean duds about getting laundry done for free and it wasn’t far from where I lived, so I got ahold of the operation Clean duds and Asked how it all worked and Jasmine told me to bring all of my clothes and that she would take care of the rest. I was really emotional at that time and I was really nervous to even bring all my clothes in because of how embarrassing it was but I wasn’t judged Or treated differently because of it instead they welcomed us and happily helped us to get our laundry done. I have had help a couple times by operation clean duds and it Is definitely a blessing. There needs to be more people this caring in the world and we’d all be able to make it by and help others. I fully stand by operation clean duds

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